ニューヨークの民衆が「白人至上主義に反対する」デモ トランプ大統領に抗議
jp.xinhuanet.com | 発表時間 2017-09-19 15:10:11 | 新華網 | 編集: 吴寒冰

当地时间2017年9月18日,美国纽约,当地民众在纽约中央火车站集会,举行“反白人种族主义”集会,抗议总统特朗普。特朗普将在9月19日联合国大会首日发表演讲。***_***A protester displays a placard against US President Donald Trump during Rise and Resist Against White Supremacy demonstration inside the Grand Central Station in New York on September 18, 2017. US President Donald Trump will deliver his maiden address on Day One of the 72nd session of United Nations General Assembly on September 19, 2017. Jewel SAMAD


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ニューヨークの民衆が「白人至上主義に反対する」デモ トランプ大統領に抗議

新華網日本語 2017-09-19 15:10:11

当地时间2017年9月18日,美国纽约,当地民众在纽约中央火车站集会,举行“反白人种族主义”集会,抗议总统特朗普。特朗普将在9月19日联合国大会首日发表演讲。***_***A protester displays a placard against US President Donald Trump during Rise and Resist Against White Supremacy demonstration inside the Grand Central Station in New York on September 18, 2017. US President Donald Trump will deliver his maiden address on Day One of the 72nd session of United Nations General Assembly on September 19, 2017. Jewel SAMAD


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